ハニープレイクラブN – HoneyPlayclub N1

(2022/02/19) チンコが正常に表示されない問題について / About the problem of the penis not displaying properly
ハニーセレクト2 MOD FAQ [hooh's modsについて]- Honeyselect2 MOD FAQ/Troubleshooting [about hooh's mods]

エレクトさわる先生のような、チンコに囲まれてドロドロにされてしまうシーンを作りたい! とは言うものの、女の子を操作するよりもおっさんとそのチンコを弄っている時間の方が長くなる苦行。 マップはふたば産を元にmetagraphyさんのシーンデータから床と壁を拝借、公式シーンから一部アイテムをインポート。先人の方々に感謝!

  • このシーンは男たちに囲まれるシーンのテンプレートです。いろいろポーズを変えて遊べればと思っています。(1-4,5は作例です。) This scene is a template of a scene surrounded by men. Enjoy to change character and pose.

MOD List
=== 必須 / required ===
- HSStudioNEOAddon

- Item : 壁と床  / StudioNeo items for HS_LRE (hongfire - plasticmind氏)
  4. wooden floor
  6. Fabric padded wall (colorable)

- Item : 床  / KG2-反射ガラス (BTR-KG2氏)
  No.13636 - MOD一覧のリンクです / This is Mod list link.

- Item:  チンコ / SOS Cock (AnteKorama氏)
  Discord search Key: "in: hs-mod-sharing   SOS Cock"

- Item: チンコ / FK Cocks (hooh氏)
  Discord #mod-sharing @hooh 05/27/2018
  Search keyword: in:#mod-sharing Energy Shield
    Refer to the "All of my mods" Link.
    [hooh] FK Cocks (my favorite).zip

Scene 1-4
- Item: FK鎖 / FK Chain (pph板 雨宮氏)
  FKアイテムセット第二弾 https://mega.nz/#!eQlRCJhT!PkMtkfbnEdoO5QesLKICThAE70V1kcHkyL2C3ax3J8c

Scene 1-5
- Item: Pondscum & Hooh's EXTREME Cum Juices v1 (Pondscum氏 & Hooh氏)
 Discord search key: "in: hs-mod-sharing   EXTREME Cum Juices"
 * "Read Me"を読んでね!私はサポートしないよ。/ Read "READ ME"!I'll not support it.

- Item Liquid: ドロリとした感じの粘液メッシュ / Liquid Mesh (zzz氏 - pph板)

=== 任意 / optional===
- Item : 目隠し / Tape Blindfold (Hongfire RickMontana氏)
  Kidnappers Kit for Honey Select

Scene 1-1 ~ 1-4
- Female Coordinate: 209736 競泳(紺灰) / RacingSwimsuits (Hongfire hffun氏)
  Because new version link is not found, it is a direct link.


Reorganization and Redistribution free.
These data are materials.Change your character.And use it for your work.

Request for support for server maintenance costs
55b55.net is experiencing problems with network traffic, storage size, and server performance. Please help with the cost of switching from a poor server to a new one.
There is no content exclusive to PATRON. All data will be made available to the public immediately and free of charge as ever.
Still, if there is an eccentric person who is willing to throw money at me...


About HoneySelect2
About HoneySelect
  • Refer to the FAQ for scene troubles.
  • Refer to MOD Guide for my studio environment.
  • The scene data after 2019/05 is SmartCard.. If you use HSResolveMoreSlotID 1.1 or later, you can read correctly even in an environment where the item ID is different. For HIR users, please refer to the post on ポーズ集 – Pose43. HIR and HSResolveMoreSlotID can be used simultaneously.
  • シーンのトラブルはFAQを参照して下さい。
  • 私のスタジオ環境はMOD Guideを参照して下さい。
  • 2019/05以降のシーンデータはSmartCardです。HSResolveMoreSlotID 1.1以上を使用すれば、アイテムIDが異なった環境でも正常に読み込めます。HIRユーザの人は、ポーズ集 – Pose43の投稿を参照して下さい。HIRとHSResolveMoreSlotID を同時に使用できます。

11 Responses

  • 競泳のファイル名でググったら、リンクが見つかりました。

  • This is one of your best scenes of all time, maybe it’s the best of all!

    for me It’s a little dream come true..!

    Thank you so much dear 55B, you’re the Best!

    I love your immense Art so much, I would like to tell you some things in private on Discord.

  • How do you download this kind of files?

    Discord #mod-sharing @hooh 05/27/2018
    Search keyword: in:#mod-sharing Energy Shield
    Refer to the “All of my mods” Link.
    [hooh] FK Cocks (my favorite).zip

    I searched @hooh in discord search but nothing appears… any help?

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