(2022/02/19) チンコが正常に表示されない問題について / About the problem of the penis not displaying properly
ハニーセレクト2 MOD FAQ [hooh's modsについて]- Honeyselect2 MOD FAQ/Troubleshooting [about hooh's mods]
MOD List
- Map: (Mas75) Pizzeria Author: GETDOWNCRAZY Mas75__Pizzeria .zipmod https://www.patreon.com/posts/65239088 - Item: Dish 1 Author: [SLUT!] AiLegend [AiLegend] Cafe Items.zipmod [AiLegend] Cafe Less Items.zipmod [AiLegend] Cafe.zipmod https://www.patreon.com/posts/35698270 - Item: Towel White Author: hooh Beach Episode https://www.patreon.com/posts/54373745 hooh_char_shoes_sandal.zipmod hooh_studio_beach_episode.zipmod - Item: Beer 01 1 Author: hooh hooh_private_club.zipmod hooh_private_club_studio.zipmod https://www.patreon.com/posts/gentlemens-club-39514478 - Item: Pizza Board, Extra Sauce Pizza Author: Osland [Osland] nomnoms.zipmod Discord search key: "in: old-ai-mod-sharing free food stuff" 01/06/2020 - Item: Crowd Author: GMCC GMCC_ModernCrowd_category.zipmod GMCC_modern_crowd01.zipmod GMCC_modern_crowd02.zipmod https://www.patreon.com/posts/low-poly-modern-50834153 Discord search key: "in: old-hs2-mod-sharing crowd 05/04/2021 - Item: [KKY] Office Buildings Author: KKY [KKY] 4KSkyboxPack.zipmod Discord serch key: "in: old-ai-mod-sharing 4K Skybox Pack" 01/04/2020
- Inner top: Roc_clothes_swimwear_Bikini01_Top Author: Roc Clothes_Swimwear_Bikini01_Top.zipmod or [ROC] Roc_Clothes_Swimwear_Bikini01_Top v1.0.zipmod https://www.patreon.com/posts/2020305-clothes-82844146 リンクがロックされているのでsideload.betterrepack.comからダウンロードして下さい The link is locked, please download from sideload.betterrepack.com - Inner bottom: [Rxe]CString [Rxerryk159] Rxe_CString V1.0.zipmod discrod search key: "in: old-hs2-mod-sharing C-String" 11/29/2022 - Socks: legband Author: sio [sio] legband.zipmod リンクが見つかりませんでした。sideload.betterrepack.comからダウンロードして下さい I cann't find the download link. Please download from sideload.betterrepack.com - Glove: Round nails [CZ] Nails v0.4.zipmod リンクが見つかりませんでした。sideload.betterrepack.comからダウンロードして下さい I cann't find the download link. Please download from sideload.betterrepack.com - Shose: [hooh]Sandal heels B Author: hooh hooh_heels_2021_feb.zipmod https://www.patreon.com/posts/febuary-mini-48114519 - Accessory: [Rxe] Collar [Rxe] Miko Acs.zipmod [Rxerryk159] Rxe_Miko_Acs_Set v1.0.1.zipmod Discord search key: "in: old-hs2-mod-sharing from: rxerryk159 Mizuryu Kei's Miko" 04/20/2022 - Accessory: Diamond Earring Author: Rose rose_earrings.zipmod https://www.patreon.com/posts/new-earrings-48229131

Lighting – HS2Graphics
HS2Graphics.dllはバグフィックスしたフォーク版OrangeSpork versionを推奨します。

ピザレストラン - Pizza Restaurant | 1.38 MB
Reorganization and Redistribution free.
These data are materials.Change your character.And use it for your work.
Request for support for server maintenance costs
55b55.net is experiencing problems with network traffic, storage size, and server performance. Please help with the cost of switching from a poor server to a new one.
There is no content exclusive to PATRON. All data will be made available to the public immediately and free of charge as ever.
Still, if there is an eccentric person who is willing to throw money at me...!!ATTENTION!!
About HoneySelect2
- See the HS2 MOD Guide for more information on the MOD environment.
- If you encounter any problems, please refer to FAQ - Troubleshooting.
About HoneySelect
- Refer to the FAQ for scene troubles.
- Refer to MOD Guide for my studio environment.
- The scene data after 2019/05 is SmartCard.. If you use HSResolveMoreSlotID 1.1 or later, you can read correctly even in an environment where the item ID is different. For HIR users, please refer to the post on ポーズ集 – Pose43. HIR and HSResolveMoreSlotID can be used simultaneously.
- MOD環境についてはHS2 MOD Guideを参照して下さい。
- 問題が起きた場合はFAQ/トラブルシューティングを参照して下さい。
- シーンのトラブルはFAQを参照して下さい。
- 私のスタジオ環境はMOD Guideを参照して下さい。
- 2019/05以降のシーンデータはSmartCardです。HSResolveMoreSlotID 1.1以上を使用すれば、アイテムIDが異なった環境でも正常に読み込めます。HIRユーザの人は、ポーズ集 – Pose43の投稿を参照して下さい。HIRとHSResolveMoreSlotID を同時に使用できます。
is it okay?
are you alive? i’m waiting you
i’m waiting you
I miss you 55B. Where are you? Are you okay? Just blink twice if you need us to send help. 😀
are you alive?
We are always waiting for you 55B!!! Thank you for every amazing work you’ve been done
wake up
is it russian site? 55b i miss you
where are you going?
missing u 55b god
miss u 55b god
I’m glad to see that you’ve deleted the Russian comments and that you’re still alive.
Hope you’ll be back!
We all miss you 55b55さん
i really hope you come back