夜這い – Yobai

(2022/02/19) チンコが正常に表示されない問題について / About the problem of the penis not displaying properly
ハニーセレクト2 MOD FAQ [hooh's modsについて]- Honeyselect2 MOD FAQ/Troubleshooting [about hooh's mods]
日本人の心、和室と夜這いの組み合わせ。 KG2さんのKG2_furnitureに入っているMAPを使わせて頂きました。感謝! ※ショタNGな投稿先もあるっぽいので、男キャラは普通サイズです。そちらのフェチをお持ちの人はカスタマイズを推奨します。
  • HSPE 2.7.2に更新して下さい。 Please update HSPE 2.7.2.
  • HSStudioNEOAddon 0.9.2に更新して下さい。 Please update HSStudioNEOAddon 0.9.2.
  • HSStudioNEOAddonでアニメーションを作っています。手や腰の位置はIKと紐づいたフォルダで移動して下さい。 I’m using HSStudioNEOAddon “Auto Track”. Please move the position of hands and hips with the folder associated with IK.
MOD List
=== 必須 / required ===
- Item: KG2_樹木   / Tree
- Item: KG2_すだれ / Sudare
  リンク元 https://rara.jp/playclub/page13488
  No.13636 MOD一覧のリンクです

- Item: [ドーム]満月の夜 / Dome Full moon night
  Author: 雨宮
  スカイドーム1 / Skydome1 

- Item: [七氏]布団A, [七氏]枕 / Futon,Pillow
  Author: 七氏
  【七氏】家具セット v4.0【HS】.zip

- Item: SOS Cock
  Auhtor: AnteKorama
  [Studio] SOS Cock Ver1.31 
  Discord search Key: "in: hs-mod-sharing SOS Cock"

- Item: ドロリとした感じの粘液メッシュ / Liquid Mesh
  Author: zzz

- Item: Cum Juice
  Pondscum & Hooh's EXTREME Cum Juices v1 (Pondscum氏 & Hooh氏)
  Discord search key: "in: hs-mod-sharing   EXTREME Cum Juices"
  * "Read Me"を読んでね!私はサポートしないよ。/ Read "READ ME"!I'll not support it.

== Female ===================================================
- Female Cordinate: 着用愛液 Love Juicy
  Author: zzz

== Male ===================================================
- Male Cordinate: 【七氏】汗スキン / Sweat skin
  【七氏】男汗スキン v1.0.zip 

Reorganization and Redistribution free.
These data are materials.Change your character.And use it for your work.

Request for support for server maintenance costs
55b55.net is experiencing problems with network traffic, storage size, and server performance. Please help with the cost of switching from a poor server to a new one.
There is no content exclusive to PATRON. All data will be made available to the public immediately and free of charge as ever.
Still, if there is an eccentric person who is willing to throw money at me...


About HoneySelect2
About HoneySelect
  • Refer to the FAQ for scene troubles.
  • Refer to MOD Guide for my studio environment.
  • The scene data after 2019/05 is SmartCard.. If you use HSResolveMoreSlotID 1.1 or later, you can read correctly even in an environment where the item ID is different. For HIR users, please refer to the post on ポーズ集 – Pose43. HIR and HSResolveMoreSlotID can be used simultaneously.
  • シーンのトラブルはFAQを参照して下さい。
  • 私のスタジオ環境はMOD Guideを参照して下さい。
  • 2019/05以降のシーンデータはSmartCardです。HSResolveMoreSlotID 1.1以上を使用すれば、アイテムIDが異なった環境でも正常に読み込めます。HIRユーザの人は、ポーズ集 – Pose43の投稿を参照して下さい。HIRとHSResolveMoreSlotID を同時に使用できます。

5 Responses

    • 仮想空間だからこそ楽しめる不倫/NTR!リアルだけは勘弁^^;

  • I really wanna see this kind of stuff and your fabulous NTR works translated to HS2, but revisiting HS1 for this stuff makes my night(s)!
    Your characters are really hot to view, but sometimes I put my crush in…your works are just great, and I don’t think I found someone who makes NTR as well as you do.

    • Thx for the comment.
      There are no plans to port scenes from HS1 to HS2.
      However, NTR is my favorite theme. I’ll create the same scene again.

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